
The Qero, an ancient Andean lineage of indigenous and beautiful people, believe that when we are not offering our blessings and gratitude to our Mother Earth #pachamama we suffer – because we are not able to receive her bounty and blessings. 

In fact, they are considered to be withheld from us!  It is our duty, responsibility, and gift – to cherish and openly LOVE ON our Mother. And when we do, we feel our hearts lighten, our minds clear, our souls align, and our lives harmonize! .


You can offer energy so easily!  By walking outside, swimming in the ocean, hiking, even laying in the sand.  As long as you consciously thank the earth for the blessings she provides as you do these things – you are offering.


When we are in harmony with our Mother, our lives feel balanced, clear, simple.  We feel aligned, joyful, and satisfied.  It is not a big, adrenaline rush sensation.  It’s more of a “Oh, God, my life feels good right now.  Thank you!” .


Ayni is energy exchange.  It is what balances our lives with the Natural World we exist in now.  We offer our love and energy to our earth mother or other human beings, and in exchange we receive.  Basic reciprocity.  In a conscious, loving way. .


#organic #beautiful #simple #sweet #easytodo #easynottodo #choice #power #blessings #ayni #paqo #despacho #qero #love #instagood #kailuawatersbodywork #me #home #kailua #oahu #hawaii

Offerings of love and gratitude for our Mother.

#kailuawatershealingarts  #ancienthealingartshawaii #patriciaannawaters 


True Sight