True Sight
When we can see without seeing, all becomes known. .
It’s not eyesight, it’s not vision. It’s far too simple to express. It’s the gut. It’s in-sight. .
People’s spirit speaks so loudly sometimes, I cannot hear their words. .
My eyesight in this lifetime has never been “good,” and yet, I’ve felt blessed with an ability to see beyond what’s in front of me. .
I was age five when a team of Stanford surgeons operated on my eyes. Five. My mom passed out. I get it. Yikes. They literally went behind my eyes and tightened (aka cut) the muscles behind my eyes so that my vision could improve. .
It wasn’t until just last year (2017) that I realized that it wasn’t my amazing surgeons who truly corrected my eyesight. It was my MOM. She was diligent. Every. Damn. Day. She made me do those torturous exercises. Last year, my ophthalmologist shed light on this truth. He told me that he’d seen many patients have the exact same surgery… only to see them suffer from the same problem years later. (This condition causes atrophy and blindness when not addressed and healed). It’s the daily habit that made all the difference for me. It’s the LOVE. The commitment. The habit. Thank you M♥️m.
Eyesight is external. It’s not to be confused with vision. Or insight. All those years…. the very first years of this incarnation…. when I couldn’t “see”, I tapped in…. and developed my other senses…. sound, touch, smell, taste…. they are far more sensitive due to my eyesight deprivation. And the sense I rely on more than anything… and I believe we all do – is my intuition. My gut feelings. They definitely mattered more when my eyes were not functioning well.
See beyond sight. Hear beyond words. Known the unknown. And be good in it. I have forgotten this. Now, I am remembering… and so I hope to remind someone out there too.
We are more guided than we realize. And we must trust one another to hold space when we need support. It is the only way. .
#weareONE #thesesrenotjustwords #simple
#onelove #oneheart #love #peace #vision #eyesight #insight #sense #kailuawatershealingarts #kailuawaters #patriciaannawaters #ancienthealingartshawaii