The Qero, an ancient Andean lineage of indigenous and beautiful people, believe that when we are not offering our blessings and gratitude to our Mother Earth #pachamama we suffer – because we are not able to receive her bounty and blessings. In fact, they are considered to be withheld from us!
True Sight
When we can see without seeing, all becomes known. It’s not eyesight, it’s not vision. It’s far too simple to express. It’s the gut. It’s in-sight. People’s spirit speaks so loudly sometimes, I cannot hear their words.
Holding Space
Energy work is my passion! The body has an innate capacity to heal itself. But if we’re so busy making plans, doing, doing, and going – we accomplish nothing.
Fill Yourself Up
The more we use the time we have to fill ourselves UP with Light #Sami …. the more our lives flow easily, our health realigns, relationships harmonize!
Train Your Mind
If something is affecting your well being, your energy… your vibe… and it’s not your own stinking thinking… it can be someone intentionally sending bad vibes your way. How do we stand firm, stay centered, release the heavy/dense energies from our energy field?
This shot was taken by a friend only four short/long years ago. I love how present I am in this photo. I remember feeling sleepy as we met before sunrise….. an alchemical time every day.
Own Your Shadow
Embrace your whole self. When we resist or deny the aspects of our lives or personality that have created grief, pain, heartache… they stagnate, then fester.
Clear Your Path
Cleansing our energy field, or #poqpo as it’s called in the Qero tradition, is #essential for health, wellness, vitality, and happiness in life!
New Moon Vibes
Darkness of a seemingly moonless night whispers, “Go within… to know what you’ve been seeking.” #whisper #fromanewmoon
Red Tent Ceremony
serendipitously created, organically enjoyed, so much wisdom, laughter, and love!!! We can all come together in such space for different aspects of the same principle.
Inspired by Japanese scientist Masuro Emoto’s work with water crystals and intention. It has been a WONDERFUL teaching tool with Keiki. (And us!). These jars were placed out on the same day, with the same ingredients (uncooked rice and filtered water), and with different labels/intentions.
Life in Progress
Live the life you have imagined. — Henry David Thoreau
Let it be a work in progress!
The Beauty We Love
Leave it to Rumi to encapsulate my entire spiritual life in elegant, timeless poetry! .
Saminchakuy: Absorbing finest energy of the cosmos, and offering heavy energy to be absorbed, digested, transformed by Mother Earth.